Protect your company's brand with our fixed price packages
Assessment of the validity of your trademark, preparation of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services list, trademark filing
399 €
*Net price, plus VAT. Official fees of € 850- for the first class, € 50- for the second class and € 150- for each additional class. The official fees will be invoiced separately by your lawyer
Filing of your trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services
Examination of the eligibility of your trademark registration in the EU
ETL IP Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services
Filing of your trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Examination of the eligibility of your trademark registration in the EU
Full financial control via flat-rate fees. No hidden costs
Fast and secure electronic filing of your application with the responsible trademark office
Handling of all communication with the trademark office by your personal lawyer on your behalf
All services from the EU-Basic Package plus trademark identity search & company name identity search in the EU
849 €
*Net price, plus VAT. Official fees of € 850- for the first class, € 50- for the second class and € 150- for each additional class. The official fees will be invoiced separately by your lawyer
Search for identical registered trademarks in the German, European and international trademark registers as well as in the 27 national trademark registers
ETL IP Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Identity search in all 27 EU registries
International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services
Filing of your trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Examination of the eligibility of your trademark registration in the EU
Full financial control via flat-rate fees. No hidden costs
Fast and secure electronic filing of your application with the responsible trademark office
Handling of all communication with the trademark office by your personal lawyer on your behalf
All services from the EU Basic & Startup packages plus trademark similarity search in all 27 European trademark registries
1.349 €
*Net price, plus VAT. Official fees of € 850- for the first class, € 50- for the second class and € 150- for each additional class. The official fees will be invoiced separately by your lawyer
Trademark similarity search in all 27 EU registries
Search for similar registered trademarks in the German, European and international trademark registers as well as in the 27 national trademark registers
ETL IP Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Trademark similarity search in all 27 EU registries
Identity search in all 27 EU registries
International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services
Filing of your trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Examination of the eligibility of your trademark registration in the EU
Full financial control via flat-rate fees. No hidden costs
Fast and secure electronic filing of your application with the responsible trademark office
Handling of all communication with the trademark office by your personal lawyer on your behalf
Net prices, plus VAT. Official fees of € 850- for the first class, € 50- for the second class and € 150- for each additional class. The official fees will be invoiced separately by your lawyer.
Get the expertise you need at a fair price
ETL IP Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Trademark similarity search in all 27 EU registries
We search for similar registered trademarks in the German, European and international trademark registers as well as in the 27 national trademark registers.
Identity search in all 27 EU registries
We search for identical registered trademarks in the German, European and international trademark registers as well as in the 27 national trademark registers.
International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services
We create for you the list of goods and services according to the current Nice Classification for trademarks.
Filing of your trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Examination of the eligibility of your trademark registration in the EU
Examination of the legal requirements for trademark registration in the EU and advice on the right trademark strategy.
Full financial control via flat-rate fees. No hidden costs
Fast and secure electronic filing of your application with the responsible trademark office
Handling of all communication with the trademark office by your personal lawyer on your behalf
The above prices are the legal fees (plus VAT) plus € 850 (plus VAT) for the registration fee per trade mark for the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The registration fee includes one Nice class. The second class costs € 50 (plus VAT). From the third class onwards, there is an office fee of € 150 per class (plus VAT) and a net lawyer's fee of € 75 per class (plus VAT). The non-binding offer is aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs, freelancers and official bodies. The above-mentioned legal services are provided by ETL IP Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Clayallee 343, 14169 Berlin. The Firmenbaukasten AG does not provide any legal advice itself.
Automate your trademark application with us
Avoid disputes
In order to avoid costly legal disputes, we always recommend that identity and similarity searches be carried out by specialist lawyers before registering a trademark. These searches are included in the Pro package.
Your best bet
More than one-third of private trademark applications are refused because of errors or even absolute grounds for refusal. Our professionals detect these things immediately.
Avoid additional costs
Any refusal of your trademark application will cost you cash, as the registration fees are not refunded by the trademark offices. Clever entrepreneurs don't skimp on the expertise they need to avoid costly mistakes.
10 steps to register a trademark
Get advice on trademark law and your options
Get advice on choosing a name and classifying your trademark according to the Nice Classification (NCL)
Your lawyer does a similarity and identity search of your trademark
The exact trademark and trademark form is determined
The trade mark application with EUIPO is filed electronically
You receive confirmation of receipt of application
The EUIPO formally and substantively examines your application for 'absolute grounds for refusal'
In case of deficiencies, further steps (reminder procedure, complaint procedure, etc.) may be necessary
Success! Your trademark is registered (only if there are no objections)
Your trademark registration is officially published